The percentages of granite powder added to replace sand by weight were 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25. ... Fine aggregates of granite slurry waste produced a cohesive mix and decrease the workability of ...
Hence, an attempt is made to replace the cement by granite powder in concrete. In this experimental study, granite powder was used in concrete as a cementetious material as partial replacement of cement. ... the strength and can offer to enhance the performance of durability of concrete utilising varying amounts of concrete. granite slurry and ...
In study design concrete M35 grade mix ratio of (1:2.16:2.9)with combination of 10% wollastonite powder as cement replacement and partially replaced the natural river sand by granite fines in range of 0 to 50% in steps of 10% study their physical, mechanical and durability's characteristic of mix,find that the workability is decrease for each ...
It is shown that the granite slurry waste reduces the workability whereas compressive strength of granite concrete is improved when fine aggregate or cement is partially replaced with granite ...
million tons a re form of a slurry/powder are at the processing and polishing unit. Fig:1 XRD Analy sis of Granite Polishing Powder II. LITERATURE REVIEW ... The mechanical properties of glass and granite powder replaced concrete properties have been compared with the conventio nal concrete after the curing period of 7, 14, and 28 days, the ...
AN INVESTIGATION ON STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF CEMENT CONCRETE PARTIALLY REPLACED WITH GRANITE SLURRY 1DHEERAJ, 2P.GOPIKRISHNA 1 P.G. Student, Siddartha educational academy group of institutions, Tirupati 2 Asst. Professor,Siddartha educational academy group of institutions, Tirupati-----***-----Abstract: Granite quarry slurry is …
The effect of replacing the cement with granite slurry on the properties of concrete is reported. Properties include specific gravity, compressive strength, water absorption, density, Fineness modulus. Granite cutting slurry concrete is important it helps to promote sustainable development in the protection of natural resources.
The more dose of granite slurry the less will be strength. It is concluded that optimum replacement level (30%) of Granite Slurry can be used in place of sand and can save the natural resources. KeyWords: Geopolymer concrete, granite slurry, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, load-deflection curve, Stiffness, Half cyclic loading. 1.
Water: Ordinary municipal tap water was used in producing and curing process of the concrete mixtures. Granite slurry: A Granite slurry powder from a plant in Alexandria was used. ... 2.75 respectively. 7.5% of the sand was replaced by granite slurry. Accordingly, after this replacement the mix ratio become 0.485: 1: 2.675: 0.206. 2.4 Tests ...
In this paper salient available experimental studies using the granite slurry waste have been reviewed. Findings: It is shown that the granite slurry waste reduces the workability whereas compressive strength of granite concrete is improved when fine aggregate or cement is partially replaced. It has been also shown that the modified concrete ...
Green Concrete for partial replacement of Cement with Marble and Granite Slurry : A Case review Page 2 and hardened concrete have been investigated. Slump and air content of fresh concrete and absorpti on ... also trying to find the percentage of marble powder replaced in concrete that makes the strength of the co ncrete maximum. Nowadays ...
Paver blocks (PB) play a pivotal role in various construction and infrastructure works providing aesthetically and durable pleasing surfaces for various applications such as pavements, walkways, and driveways. These blocks can be used for heavy vehicle loads instead of low-strength clay bricks and tiles. PB gained focus in the construction industry due to its …
With time, water present in the slurry gets evaporated. The remaining residue of fine granite powder is a type of non-biodegradable industrial waste. ... Mashaly et al. [8] replaced cement with granite sludge up to 40% in cement mortars. The compressive strength was found to be lower at all replacement levels in comparison with control mix.
These wastes can be partially replaced by using them again as fine aggregate. An experimental inquiry has been conducted to determine the best way to use granite powder and iron powder as a partial replacement for fine aggregate. Waste from granite slurry and iron waste are substituted for concrete to fill in the gaps and improve
In first stage, fine sand of fineness modulus of 1.65 was replaced in the the range of 0% to by granite powder. Workability, fresh bulk density, compressive ... Cement mortar, Granite powder, Gradation, ... in the form of fine granite dust with water (granite slurry) during this industrialprocessing is very large. On dumping, the water in ...
experimented the strength of concrete prepared using granite powder. They replaced granite powder as 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 per cent and cement was replaced by 7.5 per cent silica, 10 per cent ash and 10 per cent slag.They concluded that the compressive strength increases with addition of granite powder in the concrete..
Granite powder replaced with constant percentage of 10% in fine aggregate and ceramic tiles are replaced with different percentages of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% in coarse aggregate. ... Green Concrete for partial replacement of cement with marble and Granite Slurry: A Case review, International journal for innovative research in ...
Findings: It is shown that the granite slurry waste reduces the workability whereas compressive strength of granite concrete is improved when fine aggregate or cement is partially replaced. It has been also shown that the modified concrete performed well when level of F.A. by granite slurry waste is up to 15%. Conclusion/Application:
In this investigation Granite Slurry (GS) was used as partial substitute in proportions varying from ... cement. Cement was replaced with coconut shell in steps of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. ...
IMPACT OF WASTE GRANITE SLURRY AS SAND AND CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE A. Sand Replacement: Vijayalakshmi and Sekar (2013) investigated the …
some alternatives have to found for river sand. Granite slurry is the waste material generated from the granite industry. The granite slurry is replaced to the fine aggregate at an interval of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. And also in this investigation another waste material GGBS is used for replacing cement.
Key Words: Geopolymer concrete, Granite powder, Flyash, Molarity, Thermal curing, 1. INTRODUCTION The consumption of concrete stands second globally after water. As the demand for concrete increases it also increases the demand for Portland cement. On the other hand, the climate change due to global warming has become a major concern.
Findings: It is shown that the granite slurry waste reduces the workability whereas compressive strength of granite concrete is improved when fine aggregate or cement is …
In addition, 20% fly ash can be substituted for cement in any percentage of granite powder. The revealed results were encouraging for using fly ash to replace 20% of the …
Granite slurry generated from granite stone processing industry is a prime source of solid waste produced in Rajasthan. The generated slurry is indiscriminately dumped on vacant lands, river banks or forest areas. ... mechanical and durability properties of concretes made with cement replaced by coarse glass powder (<150 mm) at various ...
attempt is made to replace the cement by granite dust powder in concrete. In this study, the possibility of using granite dust powder in concrete production was examined by studying the effects of ... (2002) reported that the granite slurry can be used as the building material in the form of granite dust powder and it has been accepted in the ...
In this paper salient available experimental studies using the granite slurry waste have been reviewed. Findings: It is shown that the granite slurry waste reduces the workability whereas …
material. Years back investigators around the world have investigated the use of granite slurry waste in partial cement replacement in concrete. They reported that replacement of cement by granite slurry waste contribute positively to the mechanical and durability properties of resulting concrete. Granite slurry being a waste
In this investigation Granite Slurry (GS) was used as partial substitute in proportions varying from ... cement. Cement was replaced with coconut shell in steps of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% …
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | Sep -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 AN INVESTIGATION ON STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF CEMENT CONCRETE PARTIALLY REPLACED WITH GRANITE SLURRY 1DHEERAJ, 2P.GOPIKRISHNA P.G. Student, Siddartha educational …
IRJET-An Investigation on Strength and Durability of Cement Concrete Partially Replaced with Granite Slurry IRJET-Mechanical Properties Of Geopolymer Concrete by Using Mill Rejected Coal Aggregate as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggergate
The waste generated from wire dressing is of small pieces of granite. Next, during block cutting about 40% of total water used by the industry per day is used along with lime and …
The slump of granite concrete is increased when cement was replaced by granite slurry waste (replacement level 30%) as compared to control mix (replacement level 0%) for w/c 0.5 & 0.4. For granite concrete, the compressive strength of concrete was increased depending upon replacement level and w/c ratio. For w/c ratio 0.5, the increase in ...
4. Conclusion Marble and granite slurry cement bricks yield similar mechanical, in terms of compressive strength, and physical, in terms of density and absorption, properties. There is a positive effect of granite slurry on cement brick samples …