Research Interests: 1) Gold deposits in metamorphic terranes; (2) Tectonic setting and secular variation of ore deposits; (3) Alaskan geology and metallogeny; and (4) Mineral deposits of Asia. Colorado School of Mines 1500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401 303-273-3000 / 800-446-9488.
Deformation and remobilisation of syngenetic massive sulphide deposits in volcanic and metamorphic terranes have yielded a large volume of literature (e.g ... Similar Pb-isotope contamination from the wall rocks was reported by Chen (1994) for the ores in the Jiapigou gold deposit, which is about 70 km northeast of the Hongtoushan deposit ...
Current unknowns for orogenic gold deposits include the following: (1) the precise tectonic setting and age of mineralization in many provinces, particularly in Paleozoic and …
The formation of the Air Piau Gold Deposit in North-East Peninsular Malaysia due to Permo–Triassic subduction and collision between Sibumasu and East Malaya blocks and resulted in several phases of deformation, contraction, and metamorphism. Kinematic and petrography study of quartz veins in Air Piau area observed whether following the foliation of …
Ore Geology Reviews 13 Ž1998. 7–27 Orogenic gold deposits: A proposed classification in the context of their crustal distribution and relationship to other gold deposit types D.I. Groves a a,), R.J. Goldfarb b, M. Gebre-Mariam a,c, S.G. Hagemann a, F. Robert d Centre for Teaching and Research in Strategic Mineral Deposits, Department of Geology and Geophysics, UniÕersity …
Orogenic lode gold deposits of Middle Archean to Tertiary age are arguably the predominant gold deposit type in metamorphic belts, and include several giant (>250 t Au) and numerous world-class (>100 t Au) examples. ... They form as an integral part of the evolution of subduction-related accretionary or collisional terranes in which the host ...
rich ore fluids from the relatively shallow level granitoids implicated as ore-fluid sources. Gold deposits with atypical metal associations are a particularly diverse and controversial group, are …
Abstract. Epigenetic gold deposits in metamorphic terranes include those of the Precambrian shields (approx 23,000–25,000 t Au), particularly the Late Archean greenstone belts a
It is concluded that the mineralization at Renco illustrates the rare case of a midcrustal high-grade metamorphic gold mineralization in southern Africa where the vast majority of Late Archean lode gold deposits are related to low-grade metamorphic granite-greenstone terranes.
rich ore fluids from the relatively shallow level granitoids implicated as ore-fluid sources. Gold deposits with atypical metal associations are a particularly diverse and controversial group, are most ... the final geometry of the metamorphic terranes within the orogenic belts in which they reside. Gold deposits that formed in this metamorphic ...
Gold-quartz vein fields in metamorphic terranes such as greenstone belts provide evidence for the involvement of large volumes of fluids during faulting and may be products of seismic processes ...
The distribution of gold (Au) between the crust and mantle is uneven. Known Au resources are located within the continental crust (1–3).Most of this Au was stored in the crust …
Multidisciplinary research carried out on primary gold ores in the evolving Cretaceous island arc terranes of the Dominican Republic has shown the existence of three groups of deposits and occurren...
Transport and Precipitation of Gold in Phanerozoic Metamorphic Terranes from Chemical Modeling of Fluid-Rock Interaction Terrence P. Mernagh; ... how rock compositions …
Gold-quartz vein fields in metamorphic terranes such as greenstone belts provide evidence for the involvement of large volumes of fluids during faulting and may be products of seismic processes near the base of the seismogenic regime. In the Val d'Or district of the Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada, quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins form a vein field (30 × 15 km) in …
• Structurally hosted vein systems in metamorphic terranes Recent work by Groves and others (1998) ... Ore Shoots Control and Distribution of Gold Mineralization Kerrich and Feng (1992) make the point that quartz and quartz-carbonate veins are common in metamorphic belts. The majority of these veins are from a centimeter to a
The so-called 'mesothermal' gold deposits are associated with regionally metamorphosed terranes of all ages. Ores were formed during compressional to transpressional deformation processes at convergent plate margins in …
Phanerozoic orogenic gold deposits worldwide are commonly considered to be formed from metamorphic devolatilization of marine carbonaceous sedimentary rocks. Here we show that …
grade metamorphic granite-greenstone terranes. Introduction IN CONTRAST to the vast majority of lode gold deposits in Zim- babwe that are associated with Late Arehean greenschist facies granite-greenstone terranes of the Zimbabwe eraton, the Reneo mine is one of the very few economic-grade gold deposits
Epigenetic gold deposits in metamorphic terranes include those of the Precambrian shields (approx 23,000-25,000 t Au), particularly the Late Archean greenstone belts and Paleoproterozoic fold belts, and of the late Neoproterozoic and younger Cordilleran-style orogens (approx 22,000 t lode and 15,500 t placer Au), mainly along the margins of …
The Garrcon gold deposit (20.6 million tonnes of ore containing 636,000 oz Au 31) is located in the Garrison camp near the provincial border between Ontario and Quebec within …
Phanerozoic orogenic gold deposits worldwide are commonly considered to be formed from metamorphic devolatilization of marine carbonaceous sedimentary rocks. Here we show that the Yindongpo gold deposit from the Qinling orogen (central China) is genetically associated with the metamorphism of volcanic rocks during the late Paleozoic orogeny, which involved the closure …
Epigenetic gold deposits in metamorphic terranes include those of the Precambrian shields (approx 23,000-25,000 t Au), particularly the Late Archean greenstone belts and Paleoproterozoic fold belts, and of the late Neoproterozoic and younger Cordilleran-style orogens (approx 22,000 t lode and 15,500 t placer Au), mainly along the margins of Gondwana, Laurentia, and the more …
Metamorphic belts are complex regions where accretion or collision has added to, or thickened, continental crust. Gold-rich deposits can be formed at all stages of orogen evolution, so that …
Ridley et al. (2000) classified a number of orogenic gold deposits hosted in high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Yilgarn block, Western Australia, according to prominent minerals in the proximal ...
general lack of ores in high-grade metamorphic rocks because at relatively high temperatures, most mobile sulfur and gold have already been removed from the rock sequence. A gradual decrease in ore-related metals at increasing metamorphic grades in a Barrovian sequence (e.g., Pitcairn et al., 2006) supports a model where the ore-
Gold deposits are widely distributed in the Archean southern Kalgoorlie and Norseman greenstone terranes, Eastern Goldfields superterrane, Western Australia, which have collectively produced more ...
Epigenetic gold deposits in metamorphic terranes include those of the Precambrian shields (approx 23,000–25,000 t Au), particularly the Late Archean greenstone belts and Paleoproterozoic fold belts, and of the late Neoproterozoic and younger Cordilleran-style orogens (approx 22,000 t lode and 15,500 t placer Au), mainly along the margins of Gondwana, …