For heavy-duty nut-cracking, Duke's Easy Pecan and Nut Cracker offer you a commercial approach to cracking soft shell nuts. The tabletop lever-action nutcracker has a long vintage handle that gives you extra leverage for cracking large sized nuts.
Our dedicated team designs, fabricates, paints, and sells commercial crackers that efficiently shell up to 100 pounds of pecans per hour. They're also excellent for English walnuts, almonds, and peanuts!
The Universal Nutcracker is a commercial grade, industrial strength, high volume and quality shelling machine that can crack a variety of nuts round, oval, flat or irregular; including Hazelnuts, Walnuts (of all kinds), Macadamia Nuts, Hickory, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Peach Pits …
Nut crackers are commercial grade, suitable for pecans, peanuts, walnuts & almonds. We now have fully refurbished Pearce Brother machines available, and on sale! CALL TODAY
A nut chopper is a small, useful device that's a great addition to any kitchen for carrying out the simple nut chopping task without using a knife or a lot of time. Nuts, especially the harder ones like almonds, can be a pain to chop, especially when you need them in large quantities.
You can use crushed nuts for your cooking. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to make those with only a cutting board and a knife. You'll need something more efficient, like the best nut grinders. In this article, we'll help you look …
Discover the best nut choppers for almonds, walnuts, and peanuts. Our reviews will help you compare models that chop, grind, and process nuts at home.
This large capacity Nut Sheller takes the drudgery and effort out of cracking and shelling nuts and saves an enormous amount of time and energy. Just put up to a 2-3 pounds of nuts in the hopper and turn the hand-crank and out come your cracked shelled nuts in a matter of seconds.
Adjustable for hard-to-husk or thin shell nuts with minimal cracking. Maintenance is simple, easy and relatively infrequent. Has motor starter with overload protection.
A Savage Silverline processing plant produces clean, consumer- ready nuts and can be scaled to suit any size operation. This line includes a variety of pecan crackers, shellers, meat sizers, bucket elevators and inspection tables.