Official Webpage for Evochron Mercenary, a 3D space combat and trader simulation. Screenshots, free demo, forum, cheats, videos, and more. ... mine valuable materials, or explore for hidden items. You can escape to nebula clouds for sensor cover or hide in a massive asteroid cave for protection. Fly from planet to planet, star to star, and star ...
- Added option to save the entire chatlog history across multiple sessions to one file. - Server performance status added to chatlog history option above for each save event. - Support for using domain names for hosting addresses added (DNS). - Chatlog save time interval now adjustable. January 27th, 2012 Evochron Mercenary is now available on ...
Evochron - Freeform Flight, Combat, and Trading Space-Sim. Search; Evochron Mercenary Mining Question. Tips, tactics, and general discussion for Evochron Legacy. Search Advanced search. 30 posts 1; 2; Next; PilotX Ensign Posts: 19 Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:43 pm. Evochron Mercenary Mining Question.
Several private mercenary groups pooled their resources together to develop the Leviathan class frame as an answer to the Centurion which had dominated much of Evochron for a long time. …
EVOCHRON Mercenary - $ Guide Once you have sufficient $$ to upgrade your ship, do so (You will need about $500,000), so you can have x5 Cargo bays. ... Platinum Mining Beam (Bought in Oasis Stn within Pearl Quadrant for $2.2M); …
This does mean you have no mining / tractor beam for missions requiring it so you will have to modify your loadout if you are doing a mission requiring one of those. You can always store a …
beam and particle cannon specifications missile specifications charted core systems basic map of asteroid caves a section relating velocity to direction changes when flying in inertial mode (our …
Evochron Mercenary is a first person 3D space combat, trader, and exploration simulation, and rounds out a trilogy in the series culminating in the game with the highest level of technology and ...
Download presentation. EVOCHRON MERCENARY Guide 1 - $ making Some help to you: Making $200 M+ in just 24 hrs Flying Time. You will start with: $40, 000 1. A Default Ship fitted …
Get the Evochron Mercenary v1.288 Patch/Demo off WP (230mb) Version 1.288 offers the following improvements, fixes, and changes: Dedicated size option added for custom display and HUD text.
The Evochron Mercenary expansion is now available! The new edition of the game will use build version numbers '2.X' and the first update, version 2.088, is now available in the downloads section. For the update's FAQ and changelog, click here. It's recommended that you read that information page for details on upgrading from older versions of ...
Mercenary represents the next generation of Evochron, taking gameplay, control, physics, sound/music, and graphics in several new and improved directions. Its new graphics engine …
Evochron Mercenary is the sequel to Evochron Legends and rounds out a trilogy in the series culminating in the game with the highest level of technology and most extensive feature set. It …
EVOCHRON Mercenary - $ Guide Once you have sufficient $$ to upgrade your ship, do so (You will need about $500,000), so you can have x5 Cargo bays. ... Platinum Mining Beam (Bought …
Official Webpage for Evochron Legends, a 3D space combat, mercenary, and trader simulation. Screenshots, free demo, forum, cheats, videos, and more. ... and Destroyers which also join in war zone battles, including the use of beam weapons. - Inbound missile direction and range indicators. - Improved AI with a wider variety of difficulty. AI ...
Evochron - Freeform Flight, Combat, and Trading Space-Sim. Search; Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary. Tips, tactics, and general discussion for Evochron Legacy. Search Advanced search. 33 posts 1; 2; Next; Red2 Ensign Posts: 17 …
Evochron Mercenary Technical Guide. Custom mods, stories, and artwork based on the Evochron / Arvoch universe. Search Advanced search. 57 posts 1; 2; 3; Next; DaveK …
They can also improve the efficiency of your mining beam, letting you mine materials more quickly when stationary. ... - Evochron Mercenary supports multiple control devices. On …
Evochron Mercenary - космический симулятор, в котором у вас нет глобальной цели и полноценной сюжетной линии. Игровой процесс представляет собой песочницу, где вы исследуете просторы галактики и сами решаете, чем заниматься ...