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  • Literature About Iron Slag

Effect of hematite and iron slag as aggregate replacement …

Citations from other publications for 'Effect of hematite and iron slag as aggregate replacement on thermal, mechanical, and gamma-radiation shielding properties of concrete'. 0 Logout Google Bot

The potential utilization of slag generated from iron- and

Slag is the by-product of iron- and steelmaking processes. Normally, around half to one tonne of slag would be generated for yielding one tonne of rolled iron or steel (Lobato …

Effect of hematite and iron slag as aggregate

Concrete with iron slag has thermal diffusivity equal to 0.55 and 0.64 mm 2 /sec. for concrete mixture M III-30S and M II-30S, respectively. Thus, using iron slag as coarse aggregate replacement led to reduction in the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of …

(PDF) Use of Iron and Steel Slags in Concrete: State of the …

Concrete containing iron slag in various percentages of 25, 50, 75 and 100 was prepared and tested for its compressive and split tensile strength. ... Sustainability 2021, 13, 556 7 of 28 Figure 4. Chemical composition of the BOF slag from the literature (average, maximum and minimum values, and – – distribution of the concentration (in ...

Use of Iron and Steel Slags in Concrete: State of the Art …

Based on the literature [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], each production process is characterized by different slag to steel output ratios: 250–300 kg of blast furnace slag per ton of pig iron produced, 120–180 kg of basic oxygen furnace and electric arc furnace slags per ton of steel produced, and 30–80 kg of ladle furnace slag per ton of ...

Hydration of blended cement with high volume iron-rich slag …

A major difference between the NFM slags and other more commonly used SCMs is the high iron content in these slags [15], thereby yielding a higher Fe/Si, Fe/Ca and Fe/Al ratio compared to conventional SCMs such as blast furnace slag or fly ash, which could have an impact on the phase assemblage of hydrated cements.Several Fe-forms of typical cement …

Durability and Strength Enhancement in Concrete Using …

These findings corroborate the literature on SCMs, highlighting iron slag's role in improving concrete performance through reduced permeability, which is critical for structures exposed to moisture and aggressive environments. The implications include extended service …

An investigation of nonmagnetic iron slag effect on …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "An investigation of nonmagnetic iron slag effect on engineering parameters of expansive soil and its statistical validation" by Amit Kumar Jangid et al. ... AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at Ai2. Learn More. About About Us Meet the Team Publishers Blog (opens in a new tab) ...

Mechanical performance of steel and iron slag concretes: A …

Steel slag (SS) and Iron slag (IS) are two examples of industrial waste that have been used as a partial or total substitute for natural aggregate in the manufacturing of …

Effect Of Partial Replacement Of Sand By Iron Slag On …

Iron and steel making slag are by products of the iron making and steelmaking processes. To date, these types of slag have been widely used in cement and as aggregate for civil works. The report presents an investigation of mechanical and durability properties of concrete by adding iron slag as replacement of sand in various percentages.

A comprehensive review on the recovery of copper values from copper slag

Lan et al. [54] hypothesized an approach for the separation of metallic copper values from the iron-rich slag utilizing enhanced gravitational forces. The effect of additives under the influence of enhanced gravitational field was investigated. ... Similarly, the literature on Cu slag flotation using bio-surfactants is very limited. Extensive ...

Overview of Steel Slag Application and Utilization

Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag, a by-product of steel manufacturing process, is rich in iron oxide, calcium oxide, silica, various macro, and micronutrients as well as varying degrees of heavy metals ...

The effects of iron tailings on steel slag-based cementitious …

Literature [23] showed that the cementitious activity of IOT was improved using mechanical grinding, and the IOT cement meets the requirements of 32.5 silicate cement. The authors analyzed the enhancement of steel slag cement systems by ultrafine iron tailings in a previous study. The enhancement of SS-cement systems by ultrafine IOT has been ...

Copper Slag as a Source of Iron: An Overview | SpringerLink

Furthermore, highlighted the significant iron content in copper slag, emphasizing the possibility of recovering and recycling iron along with copper. It recovers copper as an iron-copper alloy and oxides in the final slag (Busolic et al., 2011). Moreover, studies have proposed various methods for iron recovery from copper slag.

A literature review of titanium slag …

reduce the no n-iron impurities in titanium slag totall y by 5%, which is the key to improve the titanium c ontent of titanium slag from 70%-72% to 80%.

A brief review on workability characteristics of iron slag …

Iron slag (IS) is one such industrial by-product derived from the iron and steel industries. IS can be processed to resemble the size of natural fine aggregate (NFA) in concrete.

A Review on the Applicability of Iron Slag in …

This paper explores the use of iron slag in concrete production through a literature review and promotes the idea of a circular economy. Discover the world's research 25+ million members

Ultrasonic-enhanced selective arsenic removal and sulfide …

Zinc-containing iron slag is generated during the removal of iron from the zinc sulfate solution in a zinc hydrometallurgical process. Iron slag, except for arsenic, contains many valuable metals such as zinc, iron, and indium (Kashyap et al., 2021). Zinc-containing iron slag is already on the hazardous solid waste list (Zhang, C. et al., 2020).

Mathematical model of molten iron and slag flow in the hearth

The stable hearth discharge is crucial for the operation of a blast furnace (BF). This study established a mathematical model for hearth discharge based on Bernoulli's principle, which considers the blast pressure, kinetic energy of molten iron and slag, gravitational potential energy, the pressure loss of molten iron and slag flowing through the deadman and taphole.

An Overview on Utilization of Steel Slag as Road

Steel slag can be directly used as sinter flux and iron smelting flux for the production of steel [6]. The pretreated. steel slag can be utilized directly for road construction (around 49.7% in the …

Slag uses in making an ecofriendly and sustainable

Metal slag is a ferrous slag, industrial waste, and by-product of the iron industry produced during iron processing in steel plants due to removing impurities from iron ore [19]. The molten slag is a secondary raw material, a sintered metal product quenched under high water jet pressure to produce GGBFS [20]. The slag goes through 80% to 90% of ...

(PDF) An Experimental Study on Swelling Properties of …

There have been several studies in the literature reporting that the swelling potential of expansive soil is significantly reduced when soil mixed with some additives such as cement, lime, fly ash, and other materials. ... Iron slag Table 2 The chemical composition of iron slag used in the present study Chemical components Percentages ...

Vol. 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Utilization Of Steel Slag In

II. LITERATURE REVIEW A comprehensive study of the potential health risks associated with the environmental applications ( e.g. fill, road base, landscaping ) of iron and steel making slag was performed using characterization data for 73 samples of slag collected from blast furnaces, basic oxygen furnaces and electric arc furnaces.

Problem 17 In the extraction of iron slag i... [FREE SOLUTION …

Slag formation is an essential part of the iron extraction process in the blast furnace. Slag is essentially a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide; however, it can also contain metal sulfides and other elements. During the smelting operation, the limestone introduced as a 'flux' is critical to slag creation.

Recovery of iron from copper slag using jatropha oil as a …

Jatropha oil (JO) is a non-edible vegetable oil and a potential renewable energy source. In this paper, JO was proposed as a reductant to recover iron from copper slag (CS), and the effects of JO dosage, reduction temperature and reduction time on the recovery of iron by deep reduction of CS were investigated.

(PDF) Iron and Steel Slags

The register ed company addr ess is: 152 Beac h Road, #22-0 6/08 GatewayEast, Singapore 18972 1, Singapore. Chapter 11. Iron and Steel …

The Use of Steel Slags in Asphalt Pavements: A …

Steel slag is a by-product obtained through the separation of molten steel from impurities in steel-making furnaces. It can be produced by different types of furnaces (blast, basic oxygen, electric arc, ladle furnaces). …

Enhancement mechanism of micro-iron ore tailings on …

Steel slag (SS) is a byproduct of steel production, primarily basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag [5]. SS consists of various oxides formed by the oxidation of impurities in raw iron during the melting process and salts formed by the reaction of these oxides with solvents.

Slag Process royalty-free images

Nowa Slupia, Poland, - May 2, 2024: Man performing the ancient iron smelting process, Iron casting was performed in structures described in archaeological literature as slag-pit furnaces. Save Steel weld joined by arc welding process