The topic of this contribution is to provide a concept for Fe isotope ratio variations in hydrothermal and supergene iron ores. For this purpose, we report a large new dataset comprising 51 samples of various iron minerals from hydrothermal and sedimentary deposits in a well-investigated ore district of Central Europe, the Schwarzwald in southwest Germany.
The Sakaro deposit is a vein-type fault-hosted gold deposit in the Adola area, southern Ethiopia. It is composed of quartz veins up to 9.3 m wide which occupy fault planes along foliation and petrographic contacts in precambrian low-grade metamorphic rocks. The veins are gold-rich and sulfidepoor, forming a mineralized zone of 760 m in strike length and up to at least 150 m in …
Alteration zonation and rock types based on mapping from 1994, and sample points at 2360 mRL (i.e. all drill holes then intersecting the 2360 mRL) in the Central Zone at the Bronzewing deposit.
High-grade iron ore of the 4EE orebody of the 4E deposit (>200 Mt at 63.5 wt % Fe) occurs as a southerly dipping sheet within banded iron formation (BIF) of the Paleoproterozoic Dales Gorge and Joffre members of the Brockman Iron Formation. Structural reconstruction of the 4E deposit shows that reactivation of the 18E fault and development of …
Hitzman et al. (1992) included a number of other iron oxide-rich deposits in first defining the 'Proterozoic iron oxide (Cu-U-Au-REE)' class of ore deposits, and proposed a …
Structure is the most important control on the location of hematite deposits in the Hamersley Province in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Unravelling the structural history of mineralised areas, however, is complex because the Province underwent three orogenic events, and three regional extension events followed the main episodes of compression. Steeply E to …
Spectral Alteration Zonation Based on Close Range HySpex-320 m Imaging Spectroscopy: A Case Study in the Gongg High-Grade Iron Ore Deposit, Liaoning Province, NE China ... In this paper, a typical profile of a high-grade iron ore body in Gongg iron deposit was investigated and sampled. The samples were checked by polarized ...
Research on wall rock alteration is of great importance to the understanding and exploration of ore deposits. The microscopic changes of the same mineral in different alteration zones can provide information about the migration and enrichment of ore-forming elements. In this paper, a typical profile of a high-grade iron ore body in Gongg iron deposit was investigated …
The model of interactions between ore fluids and aluminosilicate rocks at varied P-T conditions indicates that the alteration mineral assemblages in hypozonal deposits (>12 km) mainly include biotite, amphibole, anorthite, K-feldspar, quartz, and pyrrhotite assemblages; that those in mesozonal deposits (6 to 12 km) are characterized by chlorite, calcite, quartz, …
This tendency correlates with the general vector of the mineralogical alteration-mineralization zonation and are supposedly explained by changing PT conditions within the porphyry copper ore ...
Generally, the study area is characterized by hydrothermal alterations with many vertical and lateral variations. At the deposit scale, the alterations display a clear zonation of …
13.—Zoning of Ore Deposits: Types and Causes* - Volume 69 Issue 13 ... Recent iron sediment formation at the Kameni Islands, Santorini (Greece). ... Vertical geochemical zonation in the …
Spectral Alteration Zonation Based on Close Range HySpex-320 m Imaging Spectroscopy: A Case Study in the Gongg High-Grade Iron Ore Deposit, Liaoning Province, NE China
Iron is the fourth abundant metal in Earth's crust and its ore minerals are concentrated as hematite, goethite, magnetite, siderite, illmenite and other sulfides. The Mekane Selam iron …
The Zijinshan ore field is located in the interior of the Cathaysian Block, at the intersection of the Xuanhe Anticlinorium and the Shanghang-Yunxiao Fault (Fig. 1), and at the northeastern margin ...
Technology Selection for Iron Ore Mining in Ethiopia Open-Pit Mining Techniques and Design A Comprehensive Analysis of Geology, Economics, and Environmental Considerations Open-pit mining involves removing large amounts of overburden to access ore deposits. The design process. Get started for FREE Continue.
Petrological and geochemical studies at both the Southern Ridge and the North deposit at Mt Tom Price have identified three hypogene alteration zones between unmineralised banded iron formation (BIF) and high-grade iron ore: distal magnetite-siderite-stilpnomelane; intermediate hematite-magnetite-ankerite-talc-chlorite; and proximal martite ...
The construction of the zonation map and cross sections (Figs. 2.19–2.20) The distribution of various types of alterations in E1 North is shown in a plan map at 75m below the surface in Figure 2.19 and along cross section A–A' (Fig. 2.20; position of A–A' shown in Fig. 2.19), based on drillcore logging, petrography and MLA
Alteration and mineralization zoning, ore textures and ore-forming process of Yongping copper deposit, Jiangxi Province
Request PDF | Structural Control, Hydrothermal Alteration Zonation, and Fluid Chemistry of the Concealed, High-Grade 4EE Iron Orebody at the Paraburdoo 4E Deposit, Hamersley Province, Western ...
The Mt Tom Price deposit is a world-class high-grade hematite deposit in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia with an original resource of 900 Mt of almost pure hematite, averaging 63·9 wt-%Fe. Petrological and geochemical studies at both the Southern Ridge and the North deposit at Mt Tom Price have identified three hypogene alteration zones …
geochemical and alteration mineral zonation at the deposit, potentially of great use to explorers. ... increasing actinolite in association with ore stage pyrite with increasing depth in the deposit. ... iron-bearing carbonates, base metal sulphides, sulphosalts, bismuth, hessite and gold, but rarely quartz (Brooker & Jaireth, 1995). High grade ...
In Bikilal iron ore deposit alteration of pyrite and chalcopyrite to pyrrhotite or goethite is very common. 60 MSc Thesis, 2013 By: Solomon. ... APPENDIX II Table.2. Iron ore occurrence and deposits of Ethiopia; taken from (Solomon …
The Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt (MLYRB) is one of the most important Cu-Fe-Au-W-Mo skarn provinces in China, and is composed of several ore districts, including from west to east, Edong, Jiurui, Anqing, Luzong, Tongling, Ningwu and Ningzhen (Fig. 1; Pan and Dong, 1999).Most of these deposits formed in the Yanshanian and were …
hydrothermal fluids whose analysis and source Pearson correlation of major elements, showed that iron ore and gold in the Keleltu area came from hydrothermal/magmatic sources due to …
profile of a high-grade iron ore body in Gongg iron deposit was investigated and sampled. The samples were checked by polarized microscopy, and alterations zonation were delineated
• Lateritic type Ore: The mantle of weathering developed over pegmatite and granite. • Elluvial, delluvial and alluvial placer ore: The weathered ore developed over the primary ore of pegmatite represents the huge rare-metal resources of the Kenticha deposit. Ethiopia has been mining and exporting tantalite via the Ethiopian Mineral
Metallic mineral deposits of Ethiopia Precious metals, iron and ferroalloy metals, base metals. (a) Western Ethiopia domain, location of metallic ore deposits (see figure for location). (b) Southern Ethiopia domain (Adola Belt, Ababa River), location of metallic ore …
carbonate) alteration assemblages. Nature of ore Ore is present in massive lenses (mantos), pipes (chimneys), and veins of iron, lead, zi nc, and copper sulfide minerals that are hosted by and replace limestone, dolomite, or other sedimentary rocks; most massive ore contains >50 percent sulfide minerals.